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The Power of Effective Communication
Harness the Power of Your Mind, Heart & Belly to Communicate Effectively
Communication, communion, union, community, unity, and connection. Why are so many people feeling disconnected and alienated within today's society? What is really causing this? Why are so many people in need of therapy? What is therapy all about anyway? Essentially many people today have internal and external conflicts running around inside of there heads. Within themselves different parts of themselves
are not communicating with each other. This all gets reflected externally in the relationships that exist between us.
It comes down to a need that we all have, to develop sufficient emotional intelligence to recognise our own feelings and the feelings of others. At the root of our feelings lie our needs. We need to develop our communication skills so that we can express our feelings and ask for what we need. As soon as we realise that each others needs are being met, it becomes apparent that there is no longer any need for therapy. It is very desirable therefore that we all learn to influence with integrity so that we can effectively negotiate mutualy beneficial agreements that satisfy everyone's needs.
Seminar No. 3 - Contents :
Outcome oriented communication and negotiation skills
Presenting your outcomes and gaining agreements
Providing evidence for a successful outcome
Observation, activating sensory acuity, gathering information and establishing rapport
Language patterns and representational systems preferences
The fine art of metaphors and story telling
Building trust, intimacy and emotional intelligence
Identifying feelings and needs about the outcomes presented
Making and summarising major agreements
Presentation and performance skills
Deciding and summarising next action steps and establishing accountability
The Book of Maps

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