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How to Harness the Power of Your Mind, Heart & Belly
Some very interesting statistics have emerged from the world of brain science over the past 30 years.
One human brain cell is capable of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different connections. That's more connections than the average PC can make. Each individual brain cell is capable of connecting with
as many as 10,000 other brain cells in the same instant. In each human brain there are an estimated 1,000,000,000,000 brain cells. That's 1 million, million.
The total number of unique combinations of all the different thoughts available through your brain cell connections, if written down, would amount to a number so large that it would have 10.5 million kilometres of noughts after it.
No human being alive today is using more than a fraction of this enourmous potential. If you were to awaken even 1% more of that latent potential your would wake up to a whole brave new world.
Seminar No. 1 - Contents :
Learn how your mind/brain works and how to map your faculties (The six senses, the five memory channels and the five creativity channels). Discover some amazing facts about what your mind/brain is actually capable of and gain an understanding of how the conscious/unconscious mind interface works
Mind Gym One: Learn how to train and develop your faculties. (Sensory acuity training to develop your sensory awareness and to sharpen your senses - training and developing your brilliant memory - training and developing your creative intelligence.) (VAKOG)e - (VAKOG)ir - (VAKOG)ic
Learn how to focus your attention to improve your powers of concentration. (GSF1)
Logical levels of focus, six levels of focus and nine areas of focus
Mind Gym Two: Learn how to engage your faculties to invoke peak performance states of mind and develop a deeper understanding of Stimulus/Response (VAKOG)cried
Mind Gym Three: Learn how to develop your powers of discerning insight and intuitive intelligence to wisely prioritise the focus of your attention. (GSF1P1)
Learn how to develop your five mental powers to awaken your latent potential
Learn about Mind Mapping, thinking tools and twelve intelligences (plus one...)
Learn about learning to learn to learn and strategies for accelerated learning
Learn about speed reading and the incredible power of your eyes
The Book of Maps

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