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The Power of Peak Performance Vision


"An interesting statistic is that only around 5 people out of 100 think

in terms of goals and final outcomes...

Only 4 out of that 5 write them down. Of those written goals, statistically - - -  90% are achieved!"


Learn here how to write that down.


Harness the Power of Your Mind, Heart & Belly to Create Positive Outcomes


  Neural connections and neural pathways are forged in your brains and imbedded into your long term memory and your unconscious minds through making associations and linkages. These linkages, associations or connections, become "anchored in" to our wiring and "image and association" is the fundamental component of this process.


The mind follows it's images. The intentions behind our purposes issue "commands" to our unconscious minds. These commands invoke images ... i .. magi ... nation ... The magic of the mind is invoked by these images. Peak Performance Visions call forth and awaken your hidden resources. This is the essence of leadership. To be a vision holder who inspires, motivates and invokes enthusiasm for a cause.


Leadership directs management and there is a natural planning process that is activated by such inspired leadership. Outcome oriented project leadership and management skills will enable anyone who practices them to bring about any desired outcome within any area of focus in their lives with an up to 90% probability of success every time.


Seminar No. 2 - Contents:


  • Outcome oriented project leadership and management skills

  • Leadership step 1: How to clarify your purposes to develop positive statements of intent

  • Leadership step 2: How to clarify and define your principles and values

  • Leadership step 3: How to develop your peak performance visions and why this is important

  • Management step one: Strategic planning and creative intelligence. How CAN you make it happen?

  • Management step two: Operational planning and logical intelligence. How to specify your time lines, locations and select your collaborators. The next 90 days.

  • Management step three: Dovetailing  and integrating your outcomes




The Book of Maps

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